The virtual future for administration on board yachts
Hi all, Khara here, this is my first ever blog, although a little nervous, I am additionally, incredibly excited to introduce and welcome you all to our new founded company – Shore Side Pursers Ltd.
Furthermore, I am particularly proud to tell you all that we are fully fledged yachties. YES – we do have over 24 years combined experience within the yachting industry.
Carefully, we have gathered our hard-earned knowledge and expertise, to empower and create a virtual shore side purser administration business, that covers all aspects of admin and paperwork on board a yacht, with complete ease and perfection.
Click the link to our Services Page for a further detailed description of what we offer.
How the concept began
Every yachtie I have had the blessing to meet, whether you were in laundry, a deckhand, purser, officer, capitano, etc, all share a secret understanding of being unquestionably pushed to your limit within your job role.
Personally, during exercising each interior role, from the laundry position, right through to the purser position, my thinking and thought process was consistently – how can we make each role or job task straightforward and easier, whilst perpetually maintaining the highest of standards?
Throughout the time of fulfilling the purser role, with a big smile on my face as always! 😉 I had a thought, an idea – that evolved into what our brand, company, and business represent today.
You will be glad to hear, the concept of practising shore-based yacht administration is territory we HAVE covered before, tried and tested, working virtually, with a hundred percent success rate.

Due to the purser role we experienced, being a lively one to say the least, our vacation periods were often inundated with overflow work from the yacht.
Whether it be –
- Emails
- Flights
- Itineraries
- Provisioning
- Medical Insurance
- Crew Contracts
In all honesty, although frustrating at times, we were able to complete the administration easily, remotely, shore side. By using the beauty of technology to communicate quickly, effectively and smoothly, we were able to achieve the task at hand as quickly as if we were onboard.
Comprehending and grasping the realisation of when people accepted change, using technology positively and efficiently, everything still worked correctly, accurately and profitably.
Ping Ping – Light bulb moment. Here was the beginning of something special!
SSP’s Business Values
I, for one, recognise the value of our business and what we can do, now it is time for SSP to showcase and demonstrate our idea, practices and systems that not only work, but are ready to disrupt the yachting industry and take it by storm. Let’s all move forward together!
Check out a few of our important business values
- Honest
- Trustworthy
- Attention to detail
- Customer service
- Efficient
- Timely and efficient
- Perfectionists
- Respectful
- Accountable
- Caring
- Accountable
- Committed
- Passionate
- Respectful
- Driven and Innovative
- Happy and funny!
Company values matter, and this is the essence of SSP’s identity. We are genuinely excited for this business venture to grow and prosper within the yachting industry, and work alongside yachts in order to establish brilliant working relations and helping wherever needed.
Financial benefits broken down for replacing a purser
Along with our core values, the other side of the coin is what we can save for the yacht and the major financial benefits that comes with SSP managing the administration the purser would typically be completing onboard.
Check out the stats and information below –
- Cost effective – can save the yacht over 100,000 €/$ per year
- No added costs unlike an agency when you make any type of contact with SSP
- All costs/communication/work within a month is one solid monthly payment, plus we are contactable 24/7
- The yacht could save on at least 1 purser salary per year
- The yacht could potentially save on 2 yearly bonuses if this is included in a yachts program if solely using SSP services
- Timely and efficient
- Saving on crew medical insurance for the pursers on-board
- Saving on flights which could potentially be up to 6 flights a year when on rotation
- Saving on visa costs if your hired purser requires thise
Helping pursers/captains in the industry
We understand that in some cases, the yacht may not require admin assistance all year round, however, may need certain gaps filled in throughout the year for when the purser goes on their much-needed vacation.
For yachts with no purser onboard, where the captain manages all the administration and accounts, we will be here to step in throughout that period, ensuring no stress or worries and so the captain can enjoy their well-earned rest time.
We cover the basics and channel areas of unspoken issues onboard
Not only do we cover the main purser administration requirements on board, we also cover other aspects of yachting, which will be written through our blogs on our Website. and social media pages – Facebook & Instagram.
Controversial and unspoken issues, that may not necessarily be spoken about, or get brushed under the carpet. Craving to create discussions, debates and most importantly – positive outcomes.
These subjects could be about –
- Mental health
- Use of technology
- Hours of rest
- Days off
- Alcohol
- Bullying
What do you think is a subject that needs to be brought up in the yachting industry and how could we make this better? We would love to hear your thoughts and comments on this.
More to come
I genuinely hope you enjoyed reading our first blog for Shore Side Pursers Ltd and we hope it has given you all a good overview as to what we offer, our values and our excitement for the future.
If you enjoyed this post, we would be very grateful if you could help spread the word within the yachting industry by sending to a friend, linking or sharing on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Again, here is the link to our Website if you would like a more information.
Our next blog will be covering the topic of – Happy Crew = Happy Guests. If you have any comments about this statement please feel free to write to us via our Contact Us Page.
You will hear from us very soon. Have a fantastic day everyone!