We have a confidentiality agreement that outlines when we use certain documentation.
We understand the security needed on board yachts and will not send out anything to a third party without your confirmation or knowledge.
We also ensure all PC’s are covered by anti-virus, security malware protection to ensure confidentiality is at its best.
Yes of course. We have our pricing structure which is a guideline to cover general administrative tasks and can tailor a package that suits your yachts program which may not fit exactly into the pricing structure. We also charge by the hour if the tasks are minimal.
Through first-hand experience, you can use technology to assist you with what ever you need to carry out administrative wise onboard. If someone is available 24/7 shoreside and is contactable through WhatsApp, voice notes, FaceTime, email, phone calls, the major tasks of administration can be completed without the person being present onboard.
We can deal with the process of putting crew on the crew medical insurance, booking appointments for crew in any country of the world.
We can deal directly with the crew member to alleviate extra work on-board so the system of the person to contact for any medical bookings (SSP) would have to be implemented and the information handed to the crew when they start.
We will then cc the preferred on board contact via email or contact via phone and advise you on what we are doing, appointment times etc.
We need to go through certain questions to establish the best way to carry this forward for each individual yacht. HOD’s can send scans of receipts, send all receipts they have separated to SSP so we can send owners office/management etc.
SSP have access to the banking statements and we can contact HOD’s for scanned copies of the receipts.
We have a questionnaire to figure out a system to benefit both parties. In the initial set up stage, we can also fly to the yacht to make sure that we are both clear on the strategy on how we are going to achieve this.
We can deal directly with crew member to apply for visas, offering help, guidance and support through the application process as well as preparation for all visa documents required. Crew should be given SSP’s contact information.
The yacht would tell us time and date of application required. We will work directly with the crew member to ensure all is completed accurately. E.g. – Set up a template application suited for each vessel so crew can work from it.
We will communicate to Captains, HOD’s accordingly.
We can create spreadsheets of crew embarking/disembarking and update all HOD’s on this. We can keep this up to date for you. We can advise crew on whether to get taxi’s/a car will be waiting or someone will pick them up if needed too.
All this can be carried out successfully through general communication onboard.
We are contactable 24/7 and can carry out any task, easily and efficiently anywhere in the world and advise all information accordingly.
From experience, this has happened many times on boats before. You cannot communicate with anyone if the internet fails on board.
The benefit is that we will still have internet and can carry on with the work needed shore side as we would have been in contact before the internet fails.
We can then touch base once the internet has recovered. We are able to carry out more work on shore than on board if this was to happen.
How ever we may decide to manage this, that suits each yachts program, you will still be handling the physical side of the cash. All receipts will be sent to us as scanned documents, using easy scanning apps.
We can input into what ever accounting program the yacht may use and touch base each week to ensure that the cash total, from each side matches.
Our intention is to never upset anyone. Our company is based on how we can assist to make things a little easier for everyone in the yachting industry.
From experience, mental welfare is what drives us the most and our wish is to push our company in the most positive way possible.
We can assist pursers if they are pushed for time. One example of this is - If charter, owners’ trips plans change etc – which in most cases, they quite often do, SSP can create an itinerary quickly for them whilst the purser can carry on with arranging all official documents for clearance, customs, immigration etc.
When itineraries change suddenly on board, which is a frequent occurrence. Time is of the essence. When these changes happen, HOD’s hours of rest often, do not comply with MLC standards. Having to work throughout the night to adapt to the change of plan put in front of them.
Tiredness, fatigue often leaves room for error and mistakes understandably are made.
If it is even a menial task that relieves any purser or captain of stress. Then we are doing our job.
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